Who You Are

Government Based Organizations

Whether you are a development bank, an investment promotions corporation, or even oversee a cabinet position, a partnership with EAB can springboard your initiatives.


The quickest way to stifle efficacy is to work in a silo. EAB welcomes partnerships with other non-profts to collaborate on initiatives that will drive mutual success.

Colleges & Universities

Helping colleges and universities accelerate their ability to develop the next generation of entrepreneurs is something we specialize in. Give your students access to our network and create opportunities that otherwise may never exist.

Why You're Here

  • Access

    You run purpose-driven businesses or an organization in a developing nation and are looking for support, mentorship, and access to resources outside of your country or region.

  • Network

    You are looking to connect with seasoned entrepreneurs from our network to help move the needle for you and your team.

  • Collaboration

    The world is changing quickly and you are looking to collaborate with a community of innovators to jumpstart your initiatives and impact.

How You Can Get Involved

Partnerships are at the heart of everything we do. We believe that anything worth doing is enhanced by collaboration. Whether that be achieving your organization’s impact goals, your country’s economic objectives, or your institution’s education and training mandates, partnering with Entrepreneurs Across Borders will accelerate your timeline for success.

  • Partner with us on one of our initiatives
  • Sponsor an EAB initiative
  • Let our network help you and your organization achieve success

What Partners Are Telling Us

EAB partnered with us to execute the MECC EAB Agricultural Project throughout 2023. Their invaluable expertise and resources have been instrumental in driving the success of this project as well as the exponential growth of a cohort…

sharon smith

Dr. Sharon Smith

paDirector, MECC

The partnership between EAB and SiliconCaribe has allowed us to achieve a couple of culture shifting achievements in Jamaica’s Tech Ecosystem specifically around our work with Tech Entrepreneurs and Investors. We have changes the live…

ingrid riley

Ingrid A Riley

Silicon Caribe

EAB plays an important role in enhancing economic growth and development in the Caribbean by supporting and promoting entrepreneurship in the region. As a Jamaican living overseas, it was a no-brainer for me to partner with EAB, to…

phillip beach

Phillip Beach

GP Fund Solutions


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